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Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Sticks and stones may break the bones, but words pierce the heart.
Today, I've come to realize how powerful words can be. How a simple phrase can change a perspective. How words can cause people to draw closer together, or be torn apart. How one word may be all a person needs to hear to make them smile, or ruin their day.
I remember, before God got a hold of me, I had a horrible mouth. Besides having foul language, I would just spew things out of my mouth without considering how my words affected others. I was so filled pride that even when I knew that my words hurt others, I would justify it in my own mind so I wouldn't have to feel guilty.
Praise God, He has changed alot of things in my heart. Before, I wanted to hurt people, I wanted to get a laugh at someone else's expense. I don't want that anymore. I want every word that comes out of my mouth to be pleasing to God. I want to comfort people with my words. I want to build up others with my words. I want my words to be a blessing. I don't ever want to hurt someone with my words. But it has happened. Someone whom I care for deeply has been hurt by something I said. I didn't think much of it when I said it, and haven't given it a second thought since. Little did I know, this person has been hurting and struggling with this and it was me who caused her to feel this way. She has graciously forgiven me, but I know that the feelings she's had will not go away so easily.
I can't help but look back and wonder how many others have been hurt by my carelessness.
This is my prayer: "Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips." Ps 141:3
I may not be able to go back and ask forgiveness to all those I've hurt, but with God's grace and direction I can be more careful with my words.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

If I could turn back time

God showed me something tonight. I've realized that the way I lived in the past affects me now. Sin has left it's scars. I used to say proudly "I would never change anything in my past, it's made me who I am today."
HA!! Boy, do I see things differently now. If I could go back, I would change SO many things! I was a fool for so long. I wasted many years.
Although, while growing up, I wasn't churched or knew my bible, I always felt a tug at my heart. God called on me to repent so many times. I said in my heart 'Not right now God, you just stay there on the back burner while I go live my life, I'm not ready for you yet.' I took advantage of His grace. I used Him for salvation, and wanted to give nothing in return.
I was so stupid. And now I see that if I would've listened, I may not have these struggles today. Maybe I would've been more careful with what I allowed into my life.
This is why I don't deserve His mercy. Yet He grants it. A wretched old sinner like me is forgiven. All those years I pretended I didn't know Him, He still forgave. Lord help me if I ever grow tired of speaking of His wonderful grace.
Grace that is greater than all our sin.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Before the Throne of God

A friend shared this video with me and I really enjoyed it.